Our Logo

Creating Balance LLC
My journey in life has brought me to be more accepting of the both/and, the grey in life, to move toward greater balance and seek the lessons to be learned in the struggles, transitions, the pain and sorrow of life.

Much of life isn’t always about being happy. It is about working toward/striving for happiness. Life is about how we address the struggles, the pain…. Trying to balance the positive with the not so positive.

That is the symbolism of the figure in my logo: balance along with the complimentary colors of blue (cool) and orange (warm). The hands in the logo one being up and one being down for giving and receiving. The yellow rays that spread outward from the fire heart center is reflective of my faith life and belief in God. Yellow is my God color. Part of the therapeutic process is to access the support of the fire of God’s love within, to move into your authentic life, the gift God has given each of us and share it with the world.

To discover God’s magnificent work of art: YOU!

The Welcoming Prayer Practice:

A Contemplative practice of letting go in the ordinary routines of daily life


Focus and Sink into the body sensation: do not resist: simply experience the sensation

Welcome (the sacred symbol of intention to consent to the presence and action of the Indwelling Spirit). Remaining in the body sensation, gently say the word “Welcome” interiorly, embracing the Holy Spirit in and through the body sensation.

Let Go – While continuing to experience and rest in the body sensation, repeat the letting go sentences to open to the healing action of the Holy Spirit within.

I let go of my desire for security/survival

I let go of my desire for approval/affection

I let go of my desire for power/control

I let go of my desire to change (any situation, person, event, feeling, emotion)